Tuesday, July 19, 2016

His story is Love Story

This is a love story.
 It is a story of passion for people. These holidays my husband Doug and two of our sons travelled to Port Elizabeth. They stayed with darling Lynn who looked after them and loved them. They shared life with a few other families from our high school Westerford while doing a stint of service. 

The organization that would have them to help love, actually taught them and opened their eyes.

Check out this love story!!

These teens and their family members got to help make food for the homeless and feed the homeless while doing life out in the cold. 
They had the opportunity to serve the young and the old in orphanages and feeding the poor. They got to fix wheelchairs and to build climbing frames for the way less fortunate.
They prayed for and were prayed for by these homeless folk. What an upside down joy!

Thank you Lord for opening our eyes to the homeless. Though they are without a home they are not without a Father in you. You have changed these young people lives forever and reopened our hearts to those who are poor. Now when we drive about our neck of the wood we see again. Those lost and hopless. They are everwhere. 
Thank you for the idea to have packet soup in our car to share with those who are in such need!!

Your story is our Love Story.

Indeed Go and do the same.

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