Tuesday, July 19, 2016

His story is Love Story

This is a love story.
 It is a story of passion for people. These holidays my husband Doug and two of our sons travelled to Port Elizabeth. They stayed with darling Lynn who looked after them and loved them. They shared life with a few other families from our high school Westerford while doing a stint of service. 

The organization that would have them to help love, actually taught them and opened their eyes.

Check out this love story!!

These teens and their family members got to help make food for the homeless and feed the homeless while doing life out in the cold. 
They had the opportunity to serve the young and the old in orphanages and feeding the poor. They got to fix wheelchairs and to build climbing frames for the way less fortunate.
They prayed for and were prayed for by these homeless folk. What an upside down joy!

Thank you Lord for opening our eyes to the homeless. Though they are without a home they are not without a Father in you. You have changed these young people lives forever and reopened our hearts to those who are poor. Now when we drive about our neck of the wood we see again. Those lost and hopless. They are everwhere. 
Thank you for the idea to have packet soup in our car to share with those who are in such need!!

Your story is our Love Story.

Indeed Go and do the same.

The College of Magic

The College of Magic is found in Cape Town's Claremont area. It is a beautiful, old building full of magical things.

Our one son has started a time with The College and is having a marvelous time. Besides all the fun and learning"magic" that goes on, this is a one of a kind place for children from deprived parts of Cape Town to find a safe place  and to learn and grow.

If you watch the above youtube clip you will be amazed at the blessing This haven of magic has literally been for those who come.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Vrygrond - set free


A year ago a friend invited me to visit an NGO in the heart of Vrygrond in the Western Cape. Vrygrond is sandwiched between Capricorn park ( sort of) and Lavender Hill. 

Lavender Hill sounds so beautiful but it is a very sad and broken part of Cape Town as is Vrygrond and the surrounding area of Capricorn. 

Vrygrond is the forgotten place. 
The small signpost that states its name is easily missed.

No planning was made for schools and the like and yet it is a bustling and flourishing home to many both from throughout Africa and local people. It is a mixture of shackland and brick dwellings. 
It is poor and deprived. 
On the day we visited SOZO  the entrance to Vrygrond was patrolled by police vans , keeping an eye on the residence. There had been protests of one kind or another and tires had been burnt. 
Vrygrond is a place of the politically active ( it would seem). There is much to be discontent about here.

We arrived at about 10 in the morning and were met at the gated , new building by the guard on duty. 

My friend and I were the only two people on the visit that day and so we received a personalized tour and fantastic explanation.

The story of this NGO began when the need was highlighted. 

This need was for the high school children  who live in the are. 

Vrygrond has has a flourishing nursery school and a great Primary school ( all donated) but there is no highschool for the local kids to flow into. 

Sozo grew out of this need. The foundation runs tutoring for high school youngsters from grade 8 to 12. The aim is to build, support and guide these kids through to matric and out the other side. 
The foundation opperated out of shipping containers for several years but in Gods grace and provision they have managed to build a fabulous building with lots of space for tutorial rooms and teaching areas as well as offices and counceling rooms. 

This foundation is a light shining into the darkness.
I was so inspired and encouraged by their work in that little area. The children who sign up for the course must keep on the course and they have a system that ensures endurance on the part of the student. 

These young people have a chance here to see something other; something more of life that is a winess to them. From the relative safety of the beautiful building windows, we gazed out across the poverty that is Vrygrond. Real people with real lives. 
Broken but not without hope. 

The Sozo Foundation has partnered with Soil for Life and is helping introduce the concepts developed to grow food in small spaces. Outside of the building is a soil for life example and people can come and receive training from the community. Cuttings are swapped and this idea is spreading too.

A separate little building stands all alone. This is the prayer room. Nothing happens here without bringing it before the Lord.

On the way into the building, on a giant wall, a tree like structure has been painted. The  invisible tree is made of brick shapes. These are the spaces to write the names of all those who pass matric who have walked through this foundation. 

Great expectations from a great foundation.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ron Finley

Change is something uncomfortable . It is something we do not always like to embrace. 
Do you return to the same seat in an auditorium each week?

We like comfort and feel safe when things remain as the are.


The world is nothing but change. All around us at this point in history and through the ages, there has been one certainty....


This is my first post on this blog about people who bring about change for good.

Ordinary people just like you.
This man lives in the USA and was the person who inspired me to put this blog together.
In our South African context we both need and have people just like Ron Finley who are working at grassroots level and inspiring change for good.

I hope to meet you and write about you too!!

Check this TED talk out and be inspired.